Principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a compass to maintain WFI company that play a major role to make sure transparency, accountability, responsibility, and fairness in all company business activities. Besides as the core factor to guarantee company continuity, Good Corporate Governance also applies to push growth and enhance performance to better and responsible work.
GCG implementation applied in all business activities and for all WFI employees in various policies and regulations, operationally and strategically. The main GCG implementation guide lines are all provisions and regulations applied by authority.
The success and assessment of the implementation of GCG at WFI is largely determined by the Joint Monthly Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, Triumph and valuation for GCG use in WFI very determined by Rapat Bulanan Gabungan Dewan Komisaris dan Dewan Direksi (Board of Commissioner and Board of Directors monthly Conference), Audit Committee meeting that held four times a year, Internal Audit and External Audit process, Annual Meeting of Shareholders (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham ; RUPS) that being held once a year. WFI happily informed a good result from corporate governance supervisor in 2015 to follow rules and regulations that established. The results of the evaluation report, conducted by Audit Committee, indicate no negative reports or sanctions receive by WFI in 2015.